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production of proof中文是什么意思

用"production of proof"造句"production of proof"怎么读"production of proof" in a sentence


  • 提供证明
  • "production"中文翻译    n. 1.生产,产生;【物理学】(粒子的)生成;制造;( ...
  • "proof"中文翻译    n. 1.证明;证据;【法律】证件;【法律】(口头或书面 ...
  • "-proof" 中文翻译 :    后缀 表示“耐,防(等)”:acid-proof 耐酸的。Air-proof 密封的。 Dust-proof 防尘的。 Fire-proof 防火的。 Radar-proof 反雷达的。 Slander-proof 听了坏话不会生气的。 Sound-proof 隔音的。 Water-proof 防水的。
  • "a proof" 中文翻译 :    防原子的
  • "a-proof" 中文翻译 :    防原子的
  • "in proof of" 中文翻译 :    作...的证据
  • "proof" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.证明;证据;【法律】证件;【法律】(口头或书面)证词,证言。 2.检验,考验;验算;检定的品质[强度等]。 3.试管。 4.【印刷】校样,印样。 5.(酒精的)标准强度。 6.(甲胄等的)耐力,坚牢强度,不贯穿性。 7.【摄影】样片;样张。 8.[Scot.] 审问。 9.【数学】证,证明,证法。 The proof of the pudding is in the eating. 布丁好坏一吃即知;空谈不如实验。 Here is proof positive. 有确实证据。 a foul proof 错字很多的校样。 a foundry proof (压型前的)清样。 an artist's [engraver's] proof 版面印样。 stand a severe proof 经受严格的考验。 afford proof of 提供证据。 armour of proof 戳不通的坚牢的铠甲。 below proof 不合格。 bring [put] to the proof 试,试验。 have proof of shot 能防弹,能避弹。 in proof of 作…的证据。 proof positive of his intention 他的企图的确证。 read the proof 校对。 adj. 1.试验过的,有保证的;(酒)合标准的,规定的。 2.校样的。 3.(子弹等)不入的,耐…的,防…的。 a proof coin 标准货币,制钱。 a proof sample 样品。 proof against the severest weather 经得起任何酷烈天气的。 proof against the pricks of all temptations 不为任何诱惑所动的。 vt. 使经得住,使(布等)耐久[不漏水(等)]。 proofed cloth 防水布。 adj. -less 无证据的。
  • "proof of will" 中文翻译 :    遗嘱证明, 遗嘱认证
  • "and production" 中文翻译 :    产学研一体化的办学机制
  • "on production" 中文翻译 :    投产
  • "production" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.生产,产生;【物理学】(粒子的)生成;制造;(电影的)摄制;(戏剧的)演出;著作。 2.产品,制品;作品;总产量;成果。 3.提出,提供,拿出。 4.【数学】延长(线)。 5.大事张罗,小题大做。 6.电影制片。 a means of production 生产资料。 full production 成批生产。 pre-production 试生产。 line production 流水作业法,连续作业法。 standard production 标准产额。 go [be put] into production 开始生产。 make a production of [out of] 对…小题大做。
  • "production s" 中文翻译 :    生产函数
  • "flame proof = flame-proof" 中文翻译 :    防火的
  • "proof sheet; proof" 中文翻译 :    红样
  • "a documentory proof" 中文翻译 :    用文件来证实日期
  • "abrasion proof" 中文翻译 :    耐磨的
  • "abrasion-proof" 中文翻译 :    防磨的; 耐磨的
  • "absolute proof" 中文翻译 :    绝对证明
  • "abundant proof" 中文翻译 :    充分的证据
  • "accident proof" 中文翻译 :    安全的
  • "acid proof" 中文翻译 :    耐防酸的; 耐酸,抗酸; 耐酸的; 酎酸的
  • "acid-proof" 中文翻译 :    adj. 耐酸的。
  • "actor-proof" 中文翻译 :    有戏剧效果的
  • "admission of proof" 中文翻译 :    垫付款项; 接纳债权证明; 接纳债权证实; 预付款帐户; 预支款项
  • "affirmative proof" 中文翻译 :    确认的证据


  • The closed area permit has been collected by the applicant on production of proof of identity and against signature in part e
  • In addition , beginning today , certain cross - boundary drivers have an option to apply for new id cards at any one of the smart id card centres before the periods specified for their age groups on production of proof for cross - boundary driving
  • In addition , beginning today , certain cross - boundary drivers have an option to apply for new id cards at any one of the smart id card centres before the periods specified for their age groups on production of proof for cross - boundary driving
  • The spokesman also reminded cross - boundary drivers , including private - car drivers , that since september 27 , 2004 , an option had been provided for them to apply for new id cards at any of the smart id card centres before the periods specified for their age groups on production of proof that they were cross - boundary drivers
    发言人亦提醒跨境驾驶者(包括私家车驾驶者) ,由二O O四年九月二十七日起,他们可选择在他们所属年组别的指明换证限期前,带备有关的跨境驾驶证明文件,到任何一间智能身份证中心换领新身份证。
  • The spokesman also reminded cross - boundary drivers , including private car drivers , that since september 27 , 2004 , an option had been provided for them to apply for new id cards at any of the smart id card centres before the periods specified for their age groups on production of proof that they were cross - boundary drivers
    发言人亦提醒跨境驾驶者(包括私家车驾驶者) ,由二O O四年九月二十七日起,他们可选择在他们所属年龄组别的指明换证限期前,带备有关的跨境驾驶证明文件,到任何一间智能身份证中心换领新身份证。
  • The spokesman also reminded cross - boundary drivers , including private car drivers , that since september 27 , 2004 , an option had been provided for them to apply for new id cards at any of the smart id card centres before the periods specified for their age groups on production of proof that they were cross - boundary drivers
    发言人亦提醒跨境驾驶者(包括私家车驾驶者) ,由二O O四年九月二十七日起,他们可选择在他们所属年组别的指明换证限期前,带备有关的跨境驾驶证明文件,到任何一间智能身份证中心换领新身份证。
  • The spokesman also reminded cross - boundary drivers , including private - car drivers , that since september 27 , 2004 , an option had been provided for them to apply for new id cards at any of the smart id card centres before the periods specified for their age groups on production of proof that they were cross - boundary drivers
    发言人亦提醒跨境驾驶者(包括私家车驾驶者) ,由二O O四年九月二十七日起,他们可选择在他们所属年龄组别的指明换证限期前,带备有关的跨境驾驶证明文件,到任何一间智能身份证中心换领新身份证。
用"production of proof"造句  
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